Dijital Diş Hekimliği
Anasayfa | Dijital Diş Hekimliği
Digital Anesthesia

What is digital anesthesia (needle)?

Digital anesthesia is a method of anesthesia where anesthetic solution is applied to a person's tissues adjusted according to tissue pressure.

How is digital anesthesia applied?

The gum is numbed with a special gel, and the anesthetic solution is applied to the numbed gum using a digital anesthesia device.

What is the advantage of digital anesthesia?

Why is there no pain sensation? In the digital anesthesia technique, the anesthetic liquid can be administered to the tissue based on tissue pressure. This reduces the pain sensation caused by pressure. As pressure decreases, the sensation of pain will also decrease proportionally.

Is digital anesthesia harmful to the body?

No, the anesthetic substance used in the digital anesthesia application technique is the same as the one used in traditional methods.

Can digital anesthesia be applied to everyone?

Yes, digital anesthesia can be applied to anyone who can undergo standard anesthesia.

Is the duration of numbness different in digital anesthesia / how long is it?

There is no difference compared to standard anesthesia.