Digital Dentistry
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Digital Dentistry ?

1. Digital Scanning (Impression Taking)

When the patient visits the clinic, the teeth intended for treatment are scanned in three dimensions using digital scanners. This results in the creation of a three-dimensional virtual representation of the teeth in a virtual environment.

2. Digital Design

Utilizing the three-dimensional scanning image, accessible virtually at DentCity's Dental Laboratory, the digital design of the teeth is carried out. All processes, including shaping the teeth, defining contours, and ensuring compatibility with the gum line, are digitally designed in a computer environment.

3. Digital Tooth Production

Once the digital design is completed, the production phase begins. Using DentLab's 3D printers and scanners, including Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) supported milling machines, the production of the teeth is executed digitally.

4. Porcelain Teeth

The porcelain teeth produced at DentCity are delivered to the DentGroup clinic. The final checks for the newly created teeth are performed within the oral cavity, and once approved, they are applied to the patient.