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Among the Cyprus casinos, it is possible to nd casinos that resemble those fascinating casinos we see in the movies. Information about Cyprus Casinos: You do not need to pay any fee to enter the casino. In order to play the game, you must register with your ID and get a card. You can top up your card with your credit card from the cash registers in the casino. If you want, you can also insert your game card into the machine you will be playing on and load cash. There is free food and beverage service inside the casino as long as the casino is open. Even if you don't play games, especially in big hotels, you can order as many alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks as you want. You can also request food by asking about food options.


5 Star Hotel Comfort

Sparkling and fun moments!


Award Winning Beaches

Golden sand!

Health Tourism

Sea and Beach

There are many beaches in Northern Cyprus where you can enjoy the sea, sand and sun. Cyprus, which has limited destinations in terms of natural beauties, is very rich in terms of beaches and beaches. Northern Cyprus, which is home to many world-famous beaches, also has beaches where you can do extreme sports such as water sports and underwater diving.

Health Tourism


Bellapais Monastery is a historical monastery located in the Beylerbeyi village of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. It was built on the foundations built during the Roman period in the 12th century, and with the additions made in the Middle Ages, the building is one of the eastern examples of Gothic architecture.


Bellapais Monastery

Monastic Gothic architecture!