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DenCity Full Digital Prosthesis

What is DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis?
DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis concept is a process of which the work flow is completely digital, allowing for the dental prosthesis to be attached on the same day of the procedure that includes placing of 4 or 6 implants at certain angles where there is edentulism or the case calls for an approach of full mouth tooth extraction.

What are the features of DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis Treatment?

  • It is the technique of making a fixed dental prosthesis with a single surgical procedure within the same day for patients who are edentulous or whose teeth need to be extracted completely.
  • It is planned exclusively from the ground up for each patient.
  • All processes are carried out through 3-dimensional tomography and digital oral scanning. 
  • It is suitable for patients who are not able to use removable dental prostheses and have gag reflex.
  • There is no need for surgical incision and suture procedures as in traditional implant treatments.
  • The number of required sessions is reduced by 80% compared to traditional methods. It is also popular among patients coming from  outside the city or abroad.
  • It is expected that the possibility of swelling and experiencing pain after treatment will be less than other methods.

What is the difference between DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis Treatment from the traditional All on Four Implant Technique?

  • All procedures are handled with a digital workflow.
  • Since the positioning of the implants within the bone are planned digitally in advance of the procedure, the surgical accuracy of the procedures are higher.
  • Due to the fact that the planning up to the finalization of the prosthesis are completed before the beginning of the procedures, the results can be predictable and the patient is able to see the finalized prosthesis in the digital environment. 
  • The length and number of needed sessions during the prosthesis construction phase are shortened.

Who Can Receive the DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis Concept?
Patients who;
do not have any conditions which prevent them from implantation surgery,
have adequate bone tissue volume for a full mouth rehabilitation.

What are the stages of treatment?
In DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis treatment, 3-dimensional intra-oral scanning and tomography are taken from patients. Oral and facial photography of the patients are talen and transferred to the digital medium via computer software for digital planning.
DentCity Digital Prosthesis concept consists of two stages called  surgical and prosthodontic procedures. On the day of the procedures, after 4 or 6 dental implants are placed in the patient's mouth according to the guide produced in accordance with digital planning, the temporary dental prosthesis is fixed on the dental implants on the same day. After 3 months, permanent dental prosthesis is applied to the patient.

Will I Experience Pain After the Procedure?
As with every dental implant procedure, some pain and swelling may be experienced after the procedure. However, these complaints are expected to occur less than traditional implant treatment methods, as there are no incisions during the procedures and no stitching at the end of the procedure.

What Changes Will I Have To Make In My Diet After DentCity Full Digital Prosthesis?
You can begin using your temporary dental prosthesis fixed on dental implants immediately after the procedure. However, you need to be fed with a nutrition program plan that your dentist will recommend to you for the period of 3 months, which is the process necessary for dental implants to be integrated with the bone. After the 3-month process is completed, you can resume your regular diet as you wish with your permanent prosthesis.