Teeth Whitening
How many types of teeth whitening methods are there?
There are 5 different methods of teeth whitening treatment.
Home Teeth Whitening
Office Type Teeth Whitening (Whitening in a clinic environment)
Single Tooth Whitening (Internal whitening of root canal treated teeth)
Combined Teeth Whitening (Home+Office whitening)
Zoom Whitening (Whitening in a clinical environment)
Which type of teeth whitening method is suitable for me?
If the color of your teeth is close to white and we want them to lighten a few shades, only laser or home whitening may be sufficient. However, if your teeth are very dark due to smoking, coffee or tea, the most effective and efficient teeth whitening method for you will be combined whitening. You must be examined so that we can decide on the teeth whitening method that is suitable for you.
What is Zoom teeth whitening?
It is a teeth whitening system that is performed in a clinical environment and uses a special Blue Led developed by Philips.
How is Zoom whitening applied?
Zoom teeth whitening; It is a teeth whitening system called "combined" that starts in the clinic environment and continues in the home environment.
The patient's teeth to be whitened are isolated with the apparatus included in the system. With Philips' blue LED system, zoom whitening treatment is provided in a clinic environment in 45 minutes in total, in three sets of 15 minutes. Afterwards, mouth measurements are taken and whitening plates are prepared, and they are delivered to the patient for continued treatment at home, with whitening gel and desensitizing gels in case of sensitivity.
How is the home teeth whitening method applied?
By taking measurements from inside the mouth, personalized whitening trays are prepared. Certain amounts of whitening gel (10-15% carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide) are applied into this prepared plate.
How long does home teeth whitening take?
It is a treatment that lasts for an average of 10-15 days, when the plate is used for at least 4-6 hours during the day, or 8-10 days when used during night sleep.
How much gel should I put into the plate?
The point to be considered in home teeth whitening is not to apply more gel than described. Otherwise, the gel overflowing from the plaque will irritate the gums. In such a case, the gums should be washed immediately and cream containing vitamin E should be applied to the irritated surface and the dentist should be contacted.
What is office type teeth whitening?
It is a teeth whitening method applied in a dental clinic. It is a suitable method for patients with time constraints. Application time is shorter than other methods. The whitening gel applied to the teeth by the dentist is activated with the help of UV rays or laser, and whitening takes approximately 1 hour. It is also known as the “laser teeth whitening method”.
What is combined type whitening?
It is a teeth whitening method in which both office and home types are applied together. After application in the office or clinic, the process is supported with home whitening for 2-3 days.
My teeth are sensitive, can I still have them whitened?
Biological teeth whitening method can be applied to people with sensitivity in their teeth. The substance that causes sensitivity in the whitening process is hydrogen peroxide. The rate of this substance in biological teeth whitening gel is very low, and the gel contains enamel crystals, thus treating sensitivity.
What should I pay attention to after my teeth are whitened?
As with other whitening methods, biological whitening also uses colored products such as tea, coffee and wine, especially in the first two weeks after the procedure; It is necessary to stay away from acidic liquids such as cola and tobacco products. Otherwise, the effect of whitening may decrease in the early period.
What is single tooth whitening (internal whitening)?
It is applied to teeth that change color after root canal treatment. The filling in the tooth is removed, whitening gel is applied to the opened space, and then the tooth is closed with a temporary filling. Sessions are repeated at 3-day intervals until the desired color is achieved.
Does internal whitening cause any harm to teeth?
If the canal filling is very well insulated, it usually does no harm.
Are there any harms or side effects of teeth whitening?
Whitening methods may cause some sensitivity in the teeth. This tooth sensitivity; It may be against the weather, very hot or cold food and drinks. This is a normal and expected side effect. Tooth sensitivity is generally expected to disappear within 24-48 hours. When an unexpected situation occurs, a doctor should be consulted.
What are the causes of tooth discoloration?
- Physiological coloration that persists throughout life
- Coloring after amalgam is made
- Antibiotic use during infancy
- Antibiotic use during pregnancy
- Color change from inside the tooth due to root canal treatment
- Discoloration of the surface of the tooth due to the use of coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine and mouthwashes for a long time
- Discoloration that occurs due to bleeding inside the tooth due to the death of the living tissue inside the tooth as a result of trauma.
How to whiten teeth?
Tooth whitening is the process of removing colored organic and inorganic substances formed in the porous enamel and dentin structure on the surface of the teeth with tooth whitening gels.
How long does it take for teeth to whiten?
Teeth whitening varies from person to person. The average whitening time is 2-3 weeks. Graying caused by antibiotic use is more difficult to whiten and it may take a longer time to achieve results.
Do I need to clean the whitening tray?
The whitening plaque is cleared. After use, the plates are washed with cold water and liquid soap, rinsed thoroughly and stored in the plate box provided.
Is the effect of teeth whitening permanent?
After whitening, the color begins to fade over time. This period varies depending on the patient's use of colored liquids (tea, coffee, wine, cola, etc.) and cigarettes. It takes between 6 months and 1 year. Teeth whitening becomes permanent if it is supported with 1 or 2 sessions every 4-6 months.
What should I pay attention to when whitening my teeth?
During and for 2 days after whitening, colored liquids such as tea, coffee, wine, cola, and tobacco products should be strictly avoided. If used, the process will have an adverse reaction and the teeth will become discolored.
What is laser teeth whitening?
Laser teeth whitening method is used to activate the whitening medication applied to the enamel surfaces and shorten the time.